Theme A
Lead: Jesum Alves Fernandes
“How can we break bulk metals down to Single Metal Atoms (SMAs) or sub-nm Metal NanoClusters (MNCs), predict and control the size, shape and composition of MNCs?"
We develop a theoretical modelling framework and instrumentation for magnetron sputtering as a preparative tool generating SMAs/MNCs with atomically controlled structure and composition, through dispersion of bulk metals directly to atoms onto various surfaces, in a scalable fashion.”
Dr Emerson Kohlrausch
Emerson leads on nanocluster fabrication across MASI, and accompanying characterisation of catalysts generated.
Dr Sadegh Ghaderzadeh
Sadegh works on theoretical modelling of the formation of SMAs and MNCs, investigating what happens when the charged gas species strike the metal target.
Ilya is a PhD candidate investigating modelling and prediction of size distributions of MNCs formed under different experimental conditions and on different support materials.